The secret to creating a seven-figure info-product remains the same throughout the years

From Waqar Zaka to Shohaib & From Sebastian to Kai Cabero,

It is practicing what you preach!

The goal of the info-product is not to generate revenue, but to combine what your audience like and what is helpful for them to come up with an evergreen course.

Now there are multiple methods to it, but the ones that’s been working really well for us is:

Low ticket lead magnet method helped Shohaib generate $6k in the first week of working with us, from Scratch!

And $80k in the 2nd month ( December 2023 )

But guess what, Ajwad really broke the record here,

Tiktok is considered a bad source of lead, but incase of Ajwad it was a Goldmine

We grew his followers to 70k followers which results in $90k revenue within 60 days using only a few video posts

The trick is to use up-to-date strategies for content

It was lifestyle videos at the time of Ajwad, Written content for Kai & Talking head for Sebastian

Ready to take your content to the next level, Book a 45 minute call where we will create a free content strategy for you: